What is the profile of a great Service Engineer?

woman service engineer in ppe standing by cooling tower - example of great service engineer

I was thinking about my family, and their personalities and traits, and wondering who amongst them would make a great Service Engineer. After some thought, I was surprised how easy it was to rule people out.
And much harder to think of anyone I thought would be great.
They all had one or two of the qualities, but there was only one who had them all.

Qualities needed by a great Field Service Engineer

field service engineer fixing electronic equipment

So, what sort of person makes a great Service Engineer?
What are the key qualities needed to be a successful and great Service Engineer working in the field?

Their interests

A great service engineer is interested in:
Technical issues
Structure, rules, and systems

What do they like?

Mysteries and detective stories
Fixing things
The unexpected

What is the profile of a great service engineer?

A great service engineer is:
Adaptable, resourceful, and hands-on
Good communicator – good listener – able to ask good questions
Quick thinking
Detail oriented and methodical
Patient / calm / unflappable
Is constantly learning
Never standing still
Wanting to become an expert, and then remain expert in their specialism and the equipment they support

field service engineers clapping - examples of great performance

If you are a service engineer and had to hire someone to cover for you and to carry on doing a great job?

Which of these qualities would you want?

And what would you add to this list?

And why?

field service engineer celebrating

Further Reading

If you are interested in field engineering, then the articles here highlight some of our members and the work they do in the field. Our members are based in many different countries as we are a global community and work in various industries, but their commitment and personal qualities are very similar. Some of the engineers are working in their first or second jobs whereas others are veterans of the industry. If you have any questions about The Field Engineer, please contact us.

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