Moving to The Netherlands and finding new FSE work
What is it like to move countries and then search for a new job and learn a new language? In this article we focus on a Technical Service Engineer looking for new FSE work. Mohamed Iraki has experience on a range of medical equipment and has worked for different companies including Steelco. He has a long term Schengen Visa from France, and has moved from the UAE to the Netherlands. Mohamed is based in Breda.

Focus on Medical Field Service Engineer Moving to The Netherlands
Background and path to engineering and FSE work
Have you always liked knowing how things work? What was the first thing you took apart?
Yes, I have always been extremely interested in knowing how things work.
The first thing I took apart was a VIVO ventilator machine, which is manufactured in Brazil. It had a problem with its power start up. After several attempts, I found that the power circuit in the main board had burned out because of power instability in the hospital. So, I replaced it, and the system became fully operative after additional calibration.
When did your interest in science start?
When I was in secondary school, and I started to investigate the topics surrounding science.
Have you always liked fixing things? What was the first thing you remember repairing?
Yes, for sure, I like to fix whatever it is as long as it is related to electrical, electronic, and mechanical engineering.
An example of one of the first things I repaired was an X-Ray Machine table which had had several power failures and kept freezing when it moved. The repair was finalised after several attempts to identify the original cause of the problem.
Did anyone at school or in your family suggest working as a Field Services Engineer to you?
Yes, my father made the suggestion.
And why?
He was working as a Radiography Physician in a hospital and was suffering from bad servicing of the Imaging machines, so he encouraged me in that direction.

Equipment used during your FSE work
What are the types of equipment you work on (and have worked on)?
I have worked on a lot of different types of equipment including:
Imaging machines (X-Ray- Ultrasound),
Washer Disinfectors,
Endoscopy Washers,
ENT units,
Physiotherapy Equipment,
ICU Equipment,
Operating Theatre Equipment,
Ozone Generators,
Hydrogen Generators, and
Robotic Systems
What is the most interesting piece of equipment you have ever worked on?
Electronic boards and mechanical gears. Normally electronic parts specially the boards are so interesting and activate logical thinking to identify the problem following a series of steps and attempts to work out the fault. So, I am a fan of electronic boards and electrical connection related things, and also the integration between the electronics and the mechanical parts are so interesting for devolving and collecting data related to INPUT/OUTPUT status.
What has been the most difficult piece of equipment you have ever worked on?
Multi-layer electronic boards are the most difficult part to work with as the problem could be caused by a number of things. Also, the size of boards are so small and require special care while handling and also special tools too. In addition, electrical interference causes unknown errors which lead field engineers to invest more time to identify the exact cause of the problem.
Working as a FSE – medical service engineer
What are your tips for the best ways to share knowledge and experience with other engineers?
Always keep your eyes on the technical historical reports analysis. As well, perform Root Cause Analysis for the problems to avoid future problems. Learn to upgrade the current system to a newer version free of previous problems.
What are your tips for when a piece of equipment is difficult to repair? (how do you troubleshoot?)
I use a five-step process as follows.
1. Analysis of history
Careful analysis of the previous history; technical report investigation.
2. Check externally
Check the outside equipment environment; electricity supply, earthing etc.
3. Connections
Check the connections, wiring, connectors, etc.
4. Inspect
Inspect the electronic power and the mechanical flow.
5. Identify the problem
Relocating internationally and finding work as a FSE
You moved to the Netherlands from the UAE
What has the adjustment been like for you in terms of:
The Netherlands has much better weather in the summer (cooler).

It’s very similar to life in the UAE as there are lots of different nationalities.
Living (food, infrastructure etc.)?
This is very similar as well.
How have you built a new social network?
I have introduced myself to my neighbours and met new friends wherever I go.
How do you keep in touch with friends and family in the UAE?
Through regular calls or messages.
Working in another country
What sort of personality traits and skills are ideal for an engineer who wants to work in another country?
In my opinion, an engineer should have high skill levels, be an excellent problem solver and be specialised in their field. They need to be able to cope with different technologies and be aware of the overall business of the industry.
What additional skills does an engineer with international experience have?
An ability to learn lots of new things quickly including the regulations of the different countries.
You speak Arabic, English, and French fluently, and have intermediate Turkish. You just started learning Dutch.
How easy is it to learn Dutch?
I’ve recently started a course in Dutch at A1 level, but feel it’s going to be easy to achieve fluency within the next 6 months.
How do you think speaking more than one language makes you a better communicator as an engineer?
Knowledge of languages is very important to overall communication skills. In my previous job I was travelling between twenty-eight countries in Asia, Middle East, and Africa where I needed different languages to perform my job well.

If on reading this article you would like to seek work in the Netherlands you can check your eligibility for working in the Netherlands here.