Successful global travel as a Field Engineer

Do you travel globally as part of your job as a Field Engineer? This article focuses on successful global travel as a field engineer and how to prepare for your trips. Our first article introduced the subject – Spotlight on global travel as a Field Engineer. This article focuses on what to learn before you go.

woman civil engineer taking measurements

Spotlight on global travel as a Field Engineer – part 2

Travel amounts and distances vary hugely for different field service and customer support engineers. Some trips are planned in advance but a lot of engineers have to respond very quickly and travel almost immediately in response to a major issue or problem. Project sites can be well away from major cities and the engineer might arrive at the coldest, hottest or wettest time of year. If the site is also in a new country to you, it can present more of a challenge. So, what can you do to prepare?
Let’s assume that your packing is sorted.

What to learn

What should you learn before you go? In other words, what can you do so that you are better informed and prepared and so have a successful trip.


Read something about the country you are going to be working in. Websites or books aimed at children are often useful as it will give you a quick overview. Read a little about the geography, the food, the customs, the climate – anything really to give yourself some idea of where you will be. If you really want to understand the people of a country then, having an overview of their history is key.


If you don’t speak the language, learn a few local words. ‘Please’, ‘thank you’, and ‘hello!’ are an excellent start. There are lots of online resources to help. If it is a completely new language for you, then make sure every word you choose to learn is an important one.

Try this list to start with.
Please/Thank you/You’re welcome
Excuse me/I don’t understand/Can you help
Can I have…? Where is….?
The local word for ‘Cheers/Sante/Prost…’
How much does it cost?
For certain languages, you will have a lot of choice, for others not as much.

Language resources




woman engineer in headscarf and hard hat - example of Successful global travel

Dress and Customs

Check if there any dress codes or taboos you need to know about. The best way to do this is to ask colleagues or someone at your destination. Make your questions specific rather than general so that they are easier to answer. For example:

What do I need to know so that I don’t make mistakes?
Do I need specific clothing for when I am outside the site?

What are considered good manners when eating or drinking?
Do I need to bring small gifts?

Personal Admin

Start a system so that your expenses are organised from the day you leave.
Check that you are well insured and have the relevant details with you.
Research if there is something you can do or visit whilst there so that you have something already planned which is non work.
Before you leave, print anything you may need when you get there. You may not have easy access to a printer once you are there.
Check the latest weather report for the time you will be away.

Useful Apps


App in the Air

two engineers shaking hands - example of Successful global travel

Share your experience
What do you think is missing from this list?

The next article in our blog, will look at what to do once you have arrived.

Further Reading with real examples of successful global travel

Who repairs and services the medical equipment in a hospital?
Life as an unseen but vital Marine Field Engineer
Who repairs all the wind turbines you see everywhere?

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