Happy New Year

Grey and Blue Clean Happy New Year Post
Happy New Year 2022.

I’d like to wish you, all of the members of the Field Engineer community, and all of the potential members and partners of the community a wonderful 2022.

The community launched in November 2021, so this will be the first full year of the, “The Field Engineer” community.

As we grow the community I hope that you make new friendships, and find truly helpful resources that help you in your career and daily work.

In 2022 we will be launching the learning portal, as well as an online store. These will offer training, services and products that are relevant and beneficial to you and our members.

Please do keep making suggestions for the types of services, and events you would like to see and participate in within the community.

Our aim is to create a truly global community of engineers who can share experiences, knowledge, and friendships both online and in physical meetups and events.

Happy New Year, and looking forward to getting to know you even better in 2022,

Tim Robertson


Further Reading

Who repairs and services the medical equipment in a hospital?
Life as an unseen but vital Marine Field Engineer
Who repairs all the wind turbines you see everywhere?

Worth Sharing!

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