Water Distribution Systems Engineering 101

Most communities depend on water distribution systems to provide sufficient and reliable potable water coming from treatment facilities to customers for everyday usage and necessary fire protection. In this course, we will discuss the basic components and best practices for designing, maintaining, and operating these systems. Join us to gain a general understanding of water distribution systems design components, pressure zones, water quality, leak investigations and potential problems, smart water technology, and more.

Learning Outcomes

  • Examine the various components of water distribution systems
  • Explore basic Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) criteria
  • Analyze the use of real geography and pressure zones in water distribution system design and maintenance
  • Review water distribution systems design elements and practices
  • Discuss desired design outcomes for water quality and fire flow
  • Troubleshoot common issues and challenges in water distribution systems
  • Uncover future of trends and innovation for water distribution systems

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Opening Hour
12:45 pm

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